Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Ready, steady.. GO!

Ok, so I found my scale and assessed the damage. I'm lighter than pre-pregnancy. This is cool.

I'm 150lbs (10 stone 10) so I can honestly say, I do actually still want a weight goal of around 125lbs (8 stone 13), but this is an ultimate goal and I don't expect to reach it at any time soon. I'm just focussing on measurements and dress size really for now.

150lbs gives me a BMI of 24.2 - and the upper limit for 'normal' weight is 24.9. This makes me sad :( 125lbs would be 20.2, which is much more acceptable

I received my workout DVDs the other day and they look good - gentle, but good for right now. Unfortunately, the Post-natal Rescue one is actually exercises based on a lot of yoga moves, so there's some slight cross over with that and the exclusive yoga one I bought, but hey, it's good for you.

Now I need to be strict about fitting a routine in every morning when I have the chance, rather than taking a nap, so I know I've got one under my belt incase the rest of the day gets taken up with a cranky baby.

I'm going for a 10 mile walk today, which will be the third in the last week. It's the only cardio, bar dancing with the baby and housework, that I'm planning on carrying out for the next three months or so, until I'm stronger.

25lbs to lose. At an average rate of 1lb a week, that should have me at my goal weight by my 30th birthday (late September), and ready for A/W. That would totally rock. I won't put too much hope on to it though, as I truly hate weight loss disappointment!


Sunday, 20 March 2011

Baby out, now belly off

My baby is finally here, and she is beautiful. I can't imagine ever being without her and, my God, is it motivating. I'm so so busy all the time looking after her, that I simply don't have the option of sitting on my fat ass getting fatter! Every minute is filled and time is precious. Now I've settled into motherhood and it's crazy schedule a bit more, I'm planning on easing back into a fitness and weight loss routine. My abs have obviously taken a beating, and a rigourous routine is likely to do more damage than good, and only result in me piddling myself with this weak pelvic floor of mine (she's worth it!).

New Starting Stats - 21 March 2011
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: ??? (misplaced scales - where can they be? :s )
Chest: 39"
Real Waist: 32"
Belly: 38"
Muffin Top! 40"
Hips: 41"
Dress: UK 14-16

1st GOAL
Chest: 36" (3 to lose)
Real Waist: 28" (4 to lose)
Hips: 39" (2 to lose)
Dress: UK 12

I'm happy to say my measurements haven't changed that much since I pledged to lose weight back in April last year. My new goal is to be a size 12. I'm only setting measurement goals for now, a) because I can't find out my true weight - store scales are not to be trusted, b) because how my clothes fit is all that really matters and I want to be able to buy a size 12 off the peg, and c) I have no idea what kind of weight range someone of my 1st goal measurements would be anyway.

The Plan
I'm going to split my training into three stages. The first will be easy and specific post-natal workouts to regain my strength and ease back into it; the second will be at a normal level to increase my fitness further and really work those muscles, and the third focussed on sculpting me into my desired shape. I live in a flat, so I can't do any energetic cardio indoors (for fear of going through the floor!), and getting out to a gym or even for a jog will be difficult for a while. I've no money for a membership, I don't really want to leave the cub at the moment, and the weather is pretty unreliable, let alone being out in public in the worst shape I've ever been and with leaking boobs!

Stage 1 (Mid-March to July)
Post-natal Rescue (Erin O'Brien)
Post-natal Yoga (Tara Lee)
Yoga For You and Your Baby (Tara Lee)

All of these DVDs have great reviews, are focussed on where I need it most, and are broken down into 10-15 minutes sections to fit around baby nap times. At the moment, I know I'll be able to fit in at least 4 x 15 minute blocks, and that should increase as she gets older.

I figured that yoga was the best way to go to increase my strength in a calm way, that won't be too hard to fit into my day and serve as relaxing 'me time' too. The one to do with the baby should be fun for bonding, and when she refuses to sleep!

On top of this, I'm getting out of the house with the stroller or sling at least once or twice a week for a long, brisk walk. All together, and coupled with general increased mummy activity, I'll be doing something every day and should see results pretty quickly. That is, as long as I can curb this constant craving for sugary snacks! Milk production = a need for more calories and the brain typically craves easy access energy.

I don't think this goal of 2-4 inches is too out of reach. I usually lose inches from my waist pretty easily, but haven't a clue how my mummy tummy will affect this. It's all loose skin with a bit of fat in the middle - so attractive! I think I'll give myself 3.5 months (to July) on this stage before ramping it up to...

Stage 2 (July - November)
Davina Body Buff
Another yoga, not decided yet
Light running

I'm not exactly sure what to progress to here, although it will definitely be one workout and one yoga, just of 'regular' intensity. Deciding when I'm nearing the end of Stage 1 is probably the way to go before buying any DVDs. I initially thought I'd progress to the ones I've listed here as Stage 3 but, on reflection, I really need a regular beginners workout before attempting The Tracey Anderson Method as it's notoriously challenging. Now the weather should be better (we hope!), I'd like to start running but haven't yet worked out a programme. It'll fill in the much-needed cardio, and give me some more regular me-time if the husband is up for a scheduled daily hour of baby-sitting!

Stage 3 (July - November)
Tracey Anderson Method Mat Workout
Ballet Workout - Total Body Toning (Joey Bull)
Own yoga routine

Combining TTAM with ballet and yoga should, in theory, define the hell out of me! It is what I want, or at least what I think I want right now. It might all be too much, I've no idea just yet. I might really enjoy running and want to dedicate more time to that etc. By this time, I should be back into the swing of yoga enough to work out my own morning or evening routine. The thing with yoga isn't to do a long workout once a week, but to do daily stretching for the maximum benefit. So where this looks like a long list of weekly exercise, I only imagine doing yoga every day for about 15-30 mins, TTAM x 3, running x 3 and ballet x 1. It's still pretty ambitious for me, but I really want to make the most of my maternity leave to get into a good fitness routine, get over the exhausting few weeks of exercise and drop those first difficult pounds, and be smaller and ready to enjoy the autumn/winter fashion (my fav!) and go back to work looking good.

These are all really motivating reasons to really do this now!