Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Bootcamp End of Sequence 2 Results

Weight: 144 (-0.2lb) Total lost: 1.8lb
Chest: 35 (-0.5") Total lost: 2.5"
Waist: 30 (-0") Total lost: 1"
Navel: 34 (-2") Total lost: 4"
Muffin Top: 38.5 (-0.5") Total lost: 1.5"
Hip: 39 (-0.5") Total lost: 2"
Hip Pocket: 24 (-0.25") Total lost: 2"
Thigh: 22.5 (-0.25") Total lost: 1"
Arm: 10 (-0") Total lost: 1"
Calf: 13.75 (-0") Total lost: 0.25"

TOTAL INCHES: 15 1/4 inches

Here are the results of Sequence 2 and the overall totals. I'm definitely happy, but know I could have done a lot more, life permitting. I'm amazed that I've lost 4" from the belly. I'm now down one dress size and two bra cups from my pre-pregnancy size, which is fab.

Now let's get serious. I really hadn't been eating very well, and that's obviously hampered results. 1.8lbs?! That really is shocking. Even with muscle building, I would have thought I'd seen more loss. Anyway, I've been eating clean all this week and drinking lots of water, which is doing wonders for my energy.

I'm not inflicting all of this upon myself just to look good. I want to be healthy, live longer, and set a good example of healthy living for my daughter. That means cleaning up my eating habits and taking control of my overeating and sweet tooth. Doing Tracy's diet 100% wasn't for me, because 700-1200 calories is no way enough when you're working out this hard. I want to make life-long changes and to find a better way of fuelling my body. And I hope that by doing this, I'll increase my weight loss and fitness.

Turbo Fire is proving to be so much fun. I took a week to acclimatise and started the programme proper on Monday. I really noticed how much I'd improved doing the classes for the second time, taking 0 breaks instead of 4! Hopefully now I'm eating healthy and doing more adequate and challenging cardio, more of this stubborn fat will melt away. That my waist has only budged an inch is really bugging me. I WILL be a 28" waist! But to achieve this, I seriously need some new trainers. My feet grew during pregnancy so I've been doing it barefoot, which is a bit of a killer on my ankles and knees.

Sequence 3 isn't as interesting as 2, I'm actually finding the moves really clunky, I don't feel I'm working anything, and it is so, so dull. I'm giving it one more day before freestyling for the last run with moves that are challenging from the previous sequences. Watch this space...

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