I need to plan the next week's and go shopping tomorrow - exciting! I'm really loving the recipes, although I don't usually spend so much time making breakfast and lunch, so I've found myself behind on housework - bad wife!
I managed to fit in a 5 mile walk, so all is not lost. I went into town and tried on some dresses, and to my surprise, a size 14 (UK) fit really nicely. Usually I'd have to get a dress in a size 16 to accommodate my largest bits. Dresses are the worst when you're a different size on top and bottom. I've got my first night out since having the cub possibly on 1st June (13 days away, day 18 of bootcamp), so I have renewed enthusiasm for sticking with the programme. Hopefully there'll be some discernible shrinkage by then.
Oh yeah - and I've realised something. That I really am not drinking enough water. Yesterday I had only one pint of water and one cup of green tea all day. How rubbish is that?! I'm definitely cramming in 3 litres from now on, as I usually do. Well, who has time to drink normall when you've got all this cooking to do!
o hi :) I'm a few days behind you but also on bootcamp. hope it's going well for you!