I got pretty down about being injured, and worried it was going to be a long-term or recurring thing. I tried every week to see how it was coming along, but at the slightest twinge I backed off for fear of doing worse damage. The first week I did a trial run and boy, that mofo ached, pained and even burned for ages afterwards. I was suitable discouraged from trying any heroic leaping back into the programme.
This week has been really challenging, first of all to fit training back into my routine. It took a little while to get over it mentally and actually enjoy the free time I had back, and now it's proving similarly hard to get back into it. But I have completed two sessions this week, currently on a rest day (although I have had a 5 mile, super-brisk walk) as my darling baby kept me up last night and, to be honest, I hurt like buggery.
So here's what I'm hoping to do over the coming weeks in my new Fit for 30 plan.
In 68 days, I turn 30. How fit can you get in 68 days? Really, all I really want to achieve with this plan is to successfully incorporate exercise into my life - enough to catch the bug, to want to stay committed, and to see some good results.
The TAM Bootcamp was supposed to be a kick-start to the programme but it seems that, combined with the loss of endurance being off for 4 weeks right at the start brings, I've also lost most of the definition I sculpted on Bootcamp, and I've not even had the courage to weigh myself yet! But I'm not dwelling on that. I've just got to take these 9 weeks and get all I can out of them.
I'm planning 10 workout rotations of TAM, including the Mat DVD, Post-pregnancy DVD and webisodes, along with my own picks of available YouTube clips and magazine snippets. Now, the DVDs are an hour long, and the webisodes etc. much shorter, so I'm going to alternate one 10-day round of 1hr-long DVDs with a rotation of shorter 30 minute routines just to mix it up a bit. My aim is to do TAM 4-6 times a week, but to prioritise getting the cardio in to make sure dat fat is burning!
The cardio will, of course, be Turbo Fire. I've only managed 2 sessions so far this week, so will just follow on up the programme regardless of their Mon, Tues schedule.
That's all for now. I'll check back in a few days.